The Jungle Book Part 1 課題印刷用ページ
Deep in the jungle , a panther heard someone crying.
It was a baby boy. His name was Mowgli.
The panther took the baby to a wolf family to live.
He learned to walk.
He learned to scratch.
He even learned to lie down and play dead.
But a mean tiger wanted Mowgli really dead.
He hated all men --- even Mowgli.
One night the wolves had a meeting.
" Mowgli is not safe in the jungle, " they said.
" He must go to the man village. "
So that night the panther carried Mowgli away on his back.
" You are not safe in the jungle, " the panther explained.
" You must go to the man village, "
" But I like the jungle ! " , cried Mowgli.
So the boy ran away from the panther.
練習用ビデオ (立ち上げに少し時間がかかる場合があります。)
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